Reality in Forty Verses
Ulladu Narpadu / Saddarshanam of Ramana Maharshi
Ulladu Narapadu composed in Tamil by Ramana Maharshi and also rendered as Saddarshanam in Sanskrit is a profound work of 40 verses that expounds on the nature of our reality as Pure Awareness, the false sense of ego that veils it and the means to realize our true nature.
Here is the translation of the first two verses of Invocation that describes the entire teaching of self-inquiry and surrender succinctly:
Could there be a being-consciousness existing apart from that which (eternally) is? Since that Reality exists in the Heart, free of thought, who could meditate upon that Reality called the Heart? You should know that to remain within the Heart, as it is, is truly to meditate (upon the Heart).
When those who are in dread of death seek refuge at the feet of the deathless, birthless Lord Supreme, their ego and attachments die; and they, now deathless, think no more of death.
And here is a playlist of a series of talks beginning with a detailed commentary on the first two verses that elaborate on the true meaning of self-inquiry and surrender and how they are essentially the same: