Surrender to Life

Let it Go: The way of unconditional love

Suresh Natarajan
3 min readAug 30, 2019

All that happens

All that happens — the good, the bad, the ugly
Comes and goes on time precisely

All that happens is perfect
It’s clear when we reflect

All that happens is impermanent
Like the clouds seen in the firmament

The intensity at the time of the event
Makes us forget it’s all evanescent

Yet when we look back with clear eyes
It’s all His passing show in disguise

Each destruction only for the next renewal
And each renewal the next destruction’s fuel

Can’t wish this movement away
Can’t rush or slow the scenes of this play

He unfolds as Time that consumes all
All that appears has to one day fall

Not a wrong note in this symphony
Nothing to judge, it’s all in harmony

The only way out is to fully surrender
Accept His will with love tender

The ground on which Time does its dance
Illuminates it without even a glance

Surrender takes one out of the scene
From a character to the unmoving screen

The character goes on doing what it’s meant
Nothing to be proud, nothing to repent

What remains is unconditional love
Ever peaceful in the eternal now

Tiger’s mouth

A tiger lives in a fire mountain
That’s an ancient wisdom fountain​

The mountain sends down her daughter
River of Grace, sweet healing water

The tiger there He is naked
His eyes you just can’t shake it

The tiger sits still facing south
He eats up all with his giant mouth

He draws his prey like a magnet
Oh it’s the ultimate dragnet

You can run but you can’t hide
He silently draws you inside​

You better give up your fight
Ain’t no chance in front of his might

Wait it’s not what it might seem
He just gets you out of a bad dream

All He eats is your thought tortured mind
Be sure that He is one of a kind

For He kills to make you truly live
To swim in that river that forever gives

A sweet death that wakes up to love
Eternal life the treasure trove

To ever abide as wisdom glowing
Beyond all learning and knowing

And the river She keeps on flowing
And the tiger He keeps on growing

Gentle guide

When I was ready to give up, ready to fold
Finding this inner movement hard to be controlled
And sought the false comfort of running out
The entire journey being filled with doubt

You were always present as my gentle guide
Never for a moment leaving my side

Having found me groping in the dark
Seeing that it is no walk in the park
You reminded me that it ain’t that easy
Gotta persevere even if it gets queasy

Orchestrating with an invisible hand
Here a nudge and there a reprimand
Closing all the doors to escape out
Keeping open only the inner route

Giving strength to the inner pledge
Gotta keep walking the razor’s edge
Ever in the loving presence of grace
That reveals itself through many a face

Asking me to look into the beast
Neither ignoring nor fighting in the least
To see clearly the truth of its nature
Really just a phantom caricature

Telling not to resist, not try to control
To see other is to blind the soul
Find out who it is that wants to fight
Or surrender to the supreme might

Seer and seen, thinker and thought
Without You they amount to nought
Giving the vision that all is You
Putting me at rest that there is no two

To see all in You and You in all
Is to be present in Your old hall
True offering of prayer and gratitude
Is to ever abide in this attitude

You were always present as my gentle guide
Never for a moment leaving my side



Suresh Natarajan
Suresh Natarajan

Written by Suresh Natarajan

Exploring the space of synergy between the inner and the outer which is ultimately the same one movement of Life.

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