Wake up Now
On the urgency to wake up from the worldly slumber
Carrying all the load on the shoulder
Getting weary and growing older
Seeing life slip through the fingers
With only a sorrow that lingers
Running behind unneeded riches
That is only going to one day ditch us
Always focusing on what to become
Life it is that we are running from
Tormented by desire after desire
All the way till the funeral pyre
In frivolous gossip wasting time
Frittering away the days prime
Comparison and competition
The only drivers for all action
Never looking into one’s source
As a pointless life runs its course
Till the reaper riding the beast comes
And the worn out body just succumbs
For one cycle to come to an end
Only to repeat again my friend
So let’s wake up now and inquire
Who am I caught in this quagmire
And find out it’s just a phantom image
Dying to it the only true pilgrimage
Letting the one power run its show
Unperturbed by any high or low
Waking up to love that’s ever in season
A complete surrender beyond all reason